REACH aspires to share research findings and insights related to cross-cultural healthcare.
REACH is an active global group of researchers, healthcare workers, educationists,
and management consultants, led by Yasu Kotera at the
University of Nottingham in the UK.
REACH values taking actions, supporting others, and refining the quality of work.
REACH helps people around the world to better understand the cultural impacts on health and wellbeing.
Kotera Y, Jackson J, Garip G, Kirkman A, Matia-Martin P. (2024) Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Mental Health Personal Recovery. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Call open until 21 March 2025
Kotera Y, Beaumont J, Colman R, Rushforth A, Asano K.
Compassion-Focused Therapy for Mental Health: International Perspectives. Springer.
Currently calling for chapters
REACH is a global group of researchers, healthcare workers, educationists, and management consultants.
72 published cross-cultural healthcare research papers since July 2022.
6 developed and published psychometric scales since
July 2022.
With 216,000+ reads/views and 370+ cites of our cross-cultural healthcare research papers, REACH's impact is global and personal.